Monday, December 15, 2008

Transition of a boy

Once there was a boy.He was apt in female company to feel like something set down here from another Universe.

Now dere was a girl who was lovely,smart...& a boy who was quite the usual dey teased,fought with each other...when the girl was friend of hers told him dat the girl had a crush on him(maybe d were rumours)...u can guess wht happened after it!!..he ignored it completely & didn't pay any heed 2 wasn't dat the boy didn't like her...

Many years later the girl & the boy meet in a place where dey recognize each other..the formal talks,newz & dey depart..But as fate had other plans 4 dem...dey met again after a few days..the girl is surprised Wht a coincidence!!twice in a few days..dey talk..& the girl gives her phone no. asking him 2 call her...maybe the girl wanted a friend...but don't yet jump 2 any conclusions..where did the boy note the number...Oh 4 God's sake not his hand!!So by the time the numbers got smudged...maybe the boy wouldn't hav phoned her evn if he had the number....but the option would hav been open...

Guys do take care & don't commit a folly like dis boy...

Life is for the courageous.The coward goes on hesitating & by the time he decides,the moment is lost.The coward only thinks to live but never lives,thinks to love but never loves.The coward has a basic fear,fear of unknown.He keeps himself within the boundaries of the known...

The boy may think himself as complacent...but in contrast,the complacent person skims over the world,ignoring it & deluding himself dat he is pursuing a spiritual life.In fact,he & the world r charting a path indifferent 2 each other...

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