Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tides of Time

Once upon a time dere was a boy who sneaked out like a rat...he was too shy 2 talk 2 girls...dey teased him calling names...out of the many gorgeous girl,dere was a particular one...the boy & the girl went 2 the same tuitions...but as was his nature no interaction took place...the boy ran away as soon as possible(Could u believe dis!! hope 2 thrash dat stupid boy)

The girl asked the boy 2 accompany him 2 home as evnings set upon by the time a tuition ended....the boy agreed but wht now!! Can u believe this...In the several journeys with her,the boy could not strike up any conversation....u can guess wht a boring journey would it hav been for her...all the boy could muster was one word bye dat too in front of his house...he didn't evn hav the courtesy 2 accompany 2 her place which wasn't far away...Wht was he thinking--dat people would see him & all hell will be bent loose on him...or his beauty will get who thinks abt the society isn't worth giving a thought.....

By the fate of fortune...guess wht...a tuition was scheduled at his house....the girl came earlier & was asked to sit upstairs by his mother....whr was our super hero now??? don't jump 2 any the irony of fate he was sitting downstairs in one corner room reading Harry Potter oblivious 2 his surroundings(Wht timing!! din't get any other time 2 show his reading skills).Guess by the time wht happened the girl's friends came & 4m outside not seeing her...went 2 call her...the girl's mother came running as she smelled foul of a kidnapping case which was prevalent 4m where she came....unaware of all dis our hero was blissfully reading HARRY PUTTER.only whn he went upstairs red faced did he realize dat so much had happened.

All this chaos 4 whom???How could the boy leave the girl alone dat too whn the girl is so gorgeous...How could anyone b so mean...evn now to many,he remains a mystery...

The boy liked the girl's attitude-frank & convivial.The boy sometimes wonders if dere exists the same girl out dere or if she has been swept away by the tides of time making her one of dem....

Would the girl evr forgive him & accept the token of friendship which he longed for but nvr had...or would the girl turn her back & leave the boy in a bottomless chasm....if he is not instigated now...den would the guy evr b brave enough 2 muster courage 2 approach any other girl....would 2-3 mistakes spell doom 4 the entire of his life??? these r the very questions which the boy seeks.....

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